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Scholar-in-Residence and a year of mitzvot

We are excited that Midbar Kodesh Temple is announcing a Scholar-in-Residence Weekend featuring author and motivational speaker Linda Cohen. Linda will be at Midbar Kodesh Temple during the weekend of January 26-28. Among other programs, she will discuss her book 1,000 Mitzvahs: How Small Acts of Kindness Can Heal, Inspire, and Change Your Life.

The book can be found for purchase from Amazon at

We are looking for people interested in being on the committee to plan the event. We have our initial meeting on Sunday, November 19 at noon. This is a great opportunity to get involved at Midbar Kodesh Temple and do something positive for our community. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer for the planning committee, please email Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel at

We are using this opportunity to launch our theme for 2018 - 52 Weeks of Mitzvot, a year of Social Action and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).

We received a generous grant to cover the costs of the speaker and to defray the costs of the Friday night dinner during the weekend from the David L. Simon Foundation.

-Heather Pack and Ryan Sterling

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