Midbar Kodesh Temple thrives on the gifts from our members, thank you for your generosity!
Online Payments
Payments and Donations made to Midbar Kodesh Temple are for specific funds and items which are shown in the drop-down list below. To pay items such as Membership Dues, Kol Nidre Pledges, Religious School tuition, Tributes/Donations, Events, and Fundraisers you must be logged in and you will be prompted to pay from your account balance.
Select the fund and enter the dollar amount you are paying. If you wish to make a donation or payment, please enter the family name and address making the donation or payment and the recipient's name and address. The dedication box may also be used for any further personalization you wish to include with your donation or payment.
Once you have made your selection, please click Continue to Payment and you will be taken to a secure web page to complete your transaction.
We thank you for your continued support of Midbar Kodesh Temple.