Being a hazzan and Jewish educator requires commitment to the Jewish community both in terms of leadership and service. Whether teaching our young people, chanting the ancient melodies of our tradition, or through pastoral work, I am fortunate to serve in a profession that allows me to express my passion and vision for Jewish community in concrete and hopefully meaningful ways.
But leadership and service do not end there. I also demonstrate my commitment to Midbar Kodesh Temple and the larger Jewish community by giving financially. As a Jewish professional, I am acutely aware that a community can thrive only through the efforts and giving of those who are committed to its future.
Every Shabbat morning, we recite a special prayer for those who serve the community – “who give funds for heat and light, and wine for Kiddush and Havdalah…and all who devotedly involve themselves with the needs of the community and the Land of Israel”. I am proud to count myself among those who give as they are able. I hope you will consider expressing your commitment to this congregation and the Jewish people in the same way.
L’shanah tovah,
Cantor Daniel Gale
We ask you to think about what Midbar Kodesh Temple means to you and your family, and why YOU give to Midbar Kodesh. It's not too early to make your High Holidays gift. Go to www.midbarkodesh.org/donate to give today and support Jewish life and learning in Southern Nevada.