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Mazel Tov Elizabeth and the Doctors family!

Elizabeth Doctors, daughter to Midbar Kodesh Temple members Tiffany and Steven Doctors, sister to Jordan and granddaughter to Marcy and Gerald Welt and Lois and Malcolm Doctors, will graduate from Coronado High School in May. She is outgoing co-president of MKT USY, has studied with Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel in the Ma'ayan class, and was a camper at Alonim for several years.

Elizabeth, who will attend UNLV's Department of Film in the fall, was recently honored by the National Center for Women And Information Technology for her work in film, photograpy and digital manipulation. She has received several honors for her work, having pieces on display in Coronado's library and main office. One of her exhibits is displayed in the Hallway of Holocaust Survivor Portraits at Midbar Kodesh Temple. Elizabeth's Coronado Channel 6 broadcasting team recently earned notice in a competition at the annual Student Television Network in Nashville. She served as the senior production manager of Coronado Channel 6.

Elizabeth also created a library for the Center For Autism and Developmental Disabilities at Touro University. One of her painted murals is on display in the library. She supports many other non-profit organizations with her talent and time, including Aide for Aids of Nevada. Elizabeth is politically aware and has been encouraging 18 year olds to register to vote.

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