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Hametz Is Not Just About Removing the Physical Leaven.

As we approach the upcoming holiday of Passover, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the significance of one of its central themes: hametz. Hametz, which refers to leavened bread or any food product that contains leavening agents, holds a profound message that resonates with us even today.

In Jewish tradition, hametz represents the inflated ego, the arrogance, and the negative traits that we carry within ourselves. Just as leavening agents cause the bread to rise, these negative qualities can cause our spirits to become puffed up and distanced from our true essence. During Passover, we are called to rid our homes and our hearts of hametz, to cleanse ourselves of these negative traits, and to strive for humility and authenticity.

The message of hametz extends beyond the physical act of removing leavened products from our homes. It invites us to reflect on the leavening agents in our own lives – the pride that prevents us from seeking help, the ego that hinders us from admitting our mistakes, or the arrogance that blinds us to the needs of others. Passover challenges us to confront these hametz-like qualities within ourselves and to embark on a journey of self-improvement and growth.

Removing hametz from our lives serves as a reminder that true freedom is not only about liberation from physical bondage but also about liberation from the bondage of our negative patterns. By engaging in the act of cleaning out our homes and our hearts, we create space for new beginnings, for personal transformation, and for a deeper connection with our true selves and with the Divine.

So, as we prepare for the Passover holiday, let us not only focus on the physical act of removing hametz from our homes but also on the spiritual journey it represents. Let us embrace the opportunity to reflect on our hametz-like qualities and to strive for personal growth and humility. By doing so, we can make this holiday a truly meaningful and transformative experience.

It is not too late to sign up for our community Seder on Monday, April 22.  You can click here to register by clicking here.



Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel

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