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Who's coming this Shabbas?

"Guess Who's Coming To Shabbas," a program that connects Midbar Kodesh Temple families to each other as they enjoy the Shabbat dinner experience, recently hosted their second dinner in member host homes. More than one dinner guest commented that though they knew all the guests at the table, they never had the opportunity to visit in a intimate setting.

Chaired by Stuart and Sandy Stern the next program will be on June 3 with hopes that other Friday home hosted dinners will find it's way to the calendar in the Fall. These dinners compliment the Shabbat family dinners held at the synagogue several times per year, and the Religious School Shabbat dinners that the classes enjoy with their parents.

The program is built on the idea shared by the family of Bernie Albert, who with his wife Flossie, hosted a lifetime of Shabbat dinners for their own family. They felt that the exponential growth of hosts would bring a community closer together by sharing Shabbat and getting to know each other better.

In a sad turn of events Bernie Albert suddenly passed away a few days after sharing this idea, leaving Flossie and their adult children Debbie and Joel stunned. That night, as always, they gathered around the Shabbat table and put his plan into motion. They would honor Bernie by bringing this idea to their own community. The families at Temple Sinai in Dresher, Pennsylvania made it happen and now, "Guess Who's Coming To Shabbas" is a national success.

For more information about membership at Midbar Kodesh Temple, the Religious School, the Early Childhood Center and the programming for youth, young adults, adults and families, call 702.454.4848 or go to Midbar Kodesh Temple is the Conservative synagogue in Green Valley Ranch and is inclusive and egalitarian.

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