Another week into the COVID pandemic brings us to another Jewish holiday that is normally celebrated in groups with friends and family. Even the Henderson Jewish Community Hanukkah Lighting at the District has been moved to Zoom.
But fear not. We are adept at finding ways to bring people together in whatever “together” means these days. We want to celebrate together with you, while at the same time, we want you to be safe and healthy.
We have many opportunities for coming together to celebrate during the week of Hanukkah:
Friday night, the second night of Hanukkah, we will have Religious School family services at 7:00 PM.
Each morning of Hanukkah we will have minyan. Sunday at 9:00 AM and Monday -Friday at 8:00 AM.
Each night of Hanukkah at 5:30 PM, a different family will hop on our Facebook live page and share their family’s lighting of the candles.
Sunday evening December 13th from 4-5 PM Rabbi Harlig, Cantor Jessica Hutchings, myself and more, will regale everyone during the Virtual Grand Lighting. We will be at the District, but we encourage you to Zoom in from home.
On December 17th, the 7th day of Hanukkah, the Jewish Theological Seminary is offering a day of online learning with classes taught by Seminary professors.
We look forward to “seeing” you at one or many of these great opportunities. Our hope and prayer is that soon in our days we will be able to celebrate in person, face to face. Until then, lets meet online. Wishing everyone a Chag Urim Samayach and happy and healthy Hanukkah.
Information and links to all these activities can be found in our emails, social media and on our webpage under What’s Happening.