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Meet Our Midbar Kodesh Family - Mike Murdock

Midbar Kodesh Temple's Mike Murdock, an IT Systems Administrator, came to Las Vegas with former wife Leslie in 2005, joining the synagogue in 2007. Here, they found a close community that made them feel at home. Now, with joint parenting a priority, they decided to stay in Las Vegas. Daughters Ella (13), and Lila (10) attended the Early Childhood Center at Midbar Kodesh Temple and Lila is currently enrolled in Religious School. Ella finished her last classes this summer. He is hopeful that they will participate in USY and Kadima youth programming.

Born and raised outside of Denver, Colorado, Mike enjoys the great outdoors, visiting his family in their home near Rocky Mountain National Park as much as possible. He and the girls love movie night together. Mike likes to ski and hike, and recently became interested in yoga. Mike, with Michelle Dorson, led a yoga class in the Sukkah last week. A few years ago, he led a series of beer brewing classes for MKT members and Mike also enjoys cooking. With Ryan Sterling, he brought home several trophies to Midbar from the JCC BBQ Cookoff. Mike has helped with the Purim activities and last summer helped to put down the path leading from the parking lot, to the back of the sanctuary, through Jessica's Garden and into the Simon Center. Mike also served on Midbar's Board of Directors, and of course, has been called in to help with MKT's computer and security systems. He is always available to help.

Mike says that Midbar Kodesh Temple is a special place with special people. "Midbar has always been a place where people extend themselves to others, and these same people helped Ella, Lila and myself during a challenging time in our lives. I have made some lifelong connections that are more than friends, they are family." He said that he will continue to do all that he can to continue to make Midbar a special place for everyone.

Mike noted that the past 7 months have been hard for everyone. He feels that Midbar has done a great job of keeping its members and community engaged and staying positive, and he looks forward to participating in the wonderful Shabbat family dinners that filled the social hall. Mike is not alone in anxiously waiting for the entire congregation to celebrate Shabbat together.

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