Midbar Kodesh Temple member, who is also known as Nevada State Assemblywoman Lesley Cohen, has been
While keeping social distancing she has been out and about finding donors, packaged food items and supplies for the Vegas Community Pantry. This is a small, privately run pantry that was started by 3 women who wanted to help their neighbors. The first week after the quarantine was announced, they fed about 100 families by delivering to homes where people are in need. They gather their items together and when they have enough they ask for requests on line. They can't help everyone, but they are doing their share to fill the gap. A little more than a week ago Lesley delivered 100 N95 masks, donated by constituents, to UMC. She makes double use of her time to remind people to fill out their census questionnaires on line at https://my2020census.gov/ . If you want to help Lesley help others contact Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel at btecktiel@midbarkodesh.org and he will put you in touch with Lesley.