Rabbi Tecktiel says that "Jeff has been at the heart of MKT since the beginning of the shul. He has taken on the role of usher just about every week when he is at services and has been a stalwart of the morning minyan. He is always ready to greet congregants and strangers with a smile and hello." For more than 2 decades Jeffrey has been at the door on Shabbat mornings and Friday evenings as well, greeting the congregants, making all feel welcome, and giving out prayerbooks. If you get by him, he will deliver the siddur to your seat and wish you a good Shabbas.
MKT Co-President Kevin Diamond said that one Friday night he had to arrive early so that he could help set up something. To Kevin's surprise, about an hour before services were to start, he watched a very determined Jeff, with another partner in crime, Marv Abramson, perform a number of tasks that Kevin never realized were needed. Kevin said that he never even wondered how these tasks were accomplished until he started spending more time around the synagogue as a Co-President. Kevin said that "some people would see these tasks as 'the little things', like making sure the Rabbi and the Cantor have a bottle of water, making sure the books are straight, kippot are out, there is no trash around, etc. These are not 'little things', because if no one takes ownership of these tasks, all of a sudden they become big issues." Kevin said that he and his Co-President Shira Wood and the entire congregation, "greatly appreciate Jeff's hard work and dedication to MKT."

Jeffrey came to Las Vegas in 1995 from Farmington Hills, Michigan. He moved to be closer to his brother and sister-in-law and his nephews and nieces. When the youngest, now 17 was born, he did the babysitting. During that time he did home parties to sell candles and small gifts and worked with Simply Fun Board Games, which were also sold through home parties...all before we were using the internet to buy these products. Jeff now works with his family.
Jeffrey likes to garden and read. He occasionally joins in with the MKT Book Club. He is a member of both Mens Club and Hazak and fondly remembers being honored for his volunteer work at the synagogue. Jeff is looking forward to returning to Midbar Kodesh Temple as much as we are all looking forward to greeting him soon.

be found in the Midbar Kodesh Temple kitchen, preparing for onegs and kiddishim after services. Georgia has deep affection for the synagogue and its membership and hopes to volunteer when life gets back to "normal", but for now sends best wishes for everyone's health.