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Mazel Tov Ari and the Tecktiel family!

Ari Tecktiel, son of Midbar Kodesh Temple's Susan and Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel, graduated from high school from the Adelson Educational Campus. At Adelson Ari served on student council and was appointed as a student ambassador. During high school Ari played both junior varsity and varsity basketball, baseball and tennis. Ari attended mock trial, moot court, and moot beit din competitions. He was part of the National Honor Society, and often participate in community service.

This past year Ari was elected Regional President of Far West USY. This summer Ari, his siblings and his cousins will travel with their grandfather, a survivor of the Holocaust, to his birthplace in Germany. Following that, Ari will return to Camp Ramah Darom for his 19th summer, this time as a junior counselor. Next year Ari will be participating on Nativ, USY’s Gap Year program in Israel. When he comes back, he will attend Drexel University in Philadelphia where he will study screen writing and playwriting as well as film production.

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