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Selichot at Midbar Kodesh Temple

The High Holidays begin at Midbar Kodesh Temple on the evening of September 16 at 8 p.m. when the congregation readies themselves for the Days of Awe with Selichot. For many Jews, the High Holiday season begins with Rosh HaShanah and the start of the new month of Tishrei. Jewish tradition, however, teaches that the preceding month of Elul is a time of soul-searching and reflection to prepare oneself for the magnitude of the Days of Awe.

In Hebrew, selichot translates to “forgiveness.” In many ways, the prayers and meditations which make up the Selichot service mirror what are read on the Day of Atonement as individuals look inward and forward to reflect on how they may become a better person.

Beginning on Selichot evening MKT member Dr. Leslie Murdock will join Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel in a two part program to create a vision board of images, pictures and words that outlines, dreams, goals and motivations. Dr. Murdock is an educational liaison between the Clark County Department of Family Services and Clark County School District and is an adjunct professor at the Boyd School of Law and Nevada State College. For the hour before the 9 p.m. service she and Rabbi Tecktiel will share their multi-disciplines in how to approach the creation of vision boards that will be built on personal inner reflection that is experienced during the holidays. Part two is collaboration and the physical creation of the vision boards. This activity will take place in the sukkah on Monday, October 9 at 7 PM.

"As we start 5778, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our personal and families’ futures and break down the big questions to create your own vision board for the new year," said Andrew Spivak, who is the Director of Advancement at Midbar Kodesh Temple. He reminds us that no experience is required and invites all to participate in the Selichot Service. Spivak can also take your reservation for Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur and Yiskor services, which are free to Midbar Kodesh Temple members, members of the military, students and young adults. Options for free first year membership are also available. For more information on membership at Midbar Kodesh Temple call Andrew Spivak at 702.458.4848 or contact him at Go to to for more information.

For more information about Dr. Murdock and the work that she does in the community go to:

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