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Fill the Pantry for JFSA!

Every year Midbar Kodesh Temple members participate in collecting canned goods and other non-perishable items for JFSA's food pantry in a Fill the Pantry campaign at Passover time in the Spring and again at Rosh Hashana in the Fall. This year JFSA provided food to almost 30% more people and were in need of more help from the community. In Las Vegas the JFSA food pantry works in conjunction with Three Square and depends on grants and private donations of gift cards, cash and food products.

In an attempt to draw more people into giving Midbar Kodesh Temple initiated an on-line giving program, which proved successful for Las Vegas' JFSA food pantry and may have helped food pantries around the country as others joined in through facebook postings. Between Purim and Passover Midbar Kodesh Temple contacted congregants, other synagogues, and members of the community through facebook posts and e-mail encouraging them to order from Amazon Prime and other on-line delivery services. A wish list was posted and people could place an order from the list and have the food directly delivered to JFSA. As people participated in the gift giving they reposted the request and asked families and friends in other cities to do the same. The Amazon Prime link is still active and Midbar Kodesh Temple encourages participation all year round. Go to the wish list at: and place your order today!

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