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Why We Give

When Ed and I first moved to Las Vegas from Washington, DC, we gravitated toward Midbar Kodesh Temple as our life together began because it reminded us of what we had growing up. It helped add a feeling of familiarity that grounded our new life in something comfortable from our past. As life has progressed, the many mitzvahs of our lives—chuppah, brit milah and soon bat and bar mitvot--are blessed with the inclusion of our Jewish home, Midbar Kodesh Temple.

Giving, whether in money or through volunteering, makes the same opportunity available for others. Most importantly, we want to know that our children, Ellie, Henry and Ari, could go somewhere, as we did 16 years ago, and have the warmth of our tradition available for them.

We are embarking on a Campaign for the Future of Midbar Kodesh Temple, Early Childhood Center and Religious School. This is the start of ensuring the spiritual practice of Judaism in our community, in Southern Nevada, for generations to come.

We give because we can, because we want to, because someone else can’t, because if we don’t—who will?

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