It is time to welcome guests into our home at Midbar Kodesh Temple. Not just any guests, but the families we host for Family Promise. Each year we bring in 3-5 families for a week. We house, feed and entertain them as we help them through this difficult transition in their lives.
We need your help!
We need individuals or families or even two or three families together to bring in and serve dinner
We need individuals to stay over-night at MKT
We need donations to cover the costs of breakfast and lunch for the families
The dates for Family Promise this year are Sunday evening March 26 – Sunday Morning April 2
Please be in touch with Rabbi Tecktiel or Marci Atlman
Information about Family Promise:
The mission of Family Promise of Las Vegas is to offer homeless families the opportunity to achieve housing stability by providing short term shelter, meals, case management and hospitality. Family Promise is a cooperative effort that addresses the needs of homeless families by utilizing resources within local congregations and the community. Families in our program receive a full complement of resources and training as they work towards their own independence and self-sufficiency.