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Judaism 101 returns to Midbar Kodesh Temple, starts September 12th

Judaism 101 returns to Midbar Kodesh Temple as Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel offers a curriculum that engages those wishing to explore conversion, those who are looking for a starting place for deeper learning, for those hoping to add to the foundation they received as a preteen or for those who did not have the opportunity to study for a b'nei mitzvah.

"I sometimes find that people do not take the opportunity to see Judaism from an adult standpoint," said Rabbi Tecktiel. "Some take what they have learned as a b'nei mitzvah student and move on to high school and college without thinking how our rich heritage is relevant in their lives today." Rabbi Tecktiel often finds parents anxious to learn as their children learn to enhance the religious educational experience at home. Rabbi Tecktiel welcomes all no matter what draws you to the learning experience. For more information contact the Rabbi at 702.454.4848.

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