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Praying with our Feet

Back in 1965 during the height of the civil rights protests in the south, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel did something few other rabbis at the time were willing to do. Heschel went down to Alabama and joined arm and arm with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King to march for equality.

When he returned home someone asked him if he found time to pray when he was down there. He famously answered, “I prayed with my feet.”

This week in honor of MLK day and the upcoming inauguration of Joseph R. Biden as the new president, we are promoting a day of “praying with our feet.” A call to action to help others not with words and prayers but with deeds of loving kindness.

We are encouraging several different options of projects that you can do from the safety of your own home. You can find them listed here.

Wishing everyone a safe and healthy Shabbat.


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