Tzofiya Nomi Sterling, daughter to Rina and Ryan Sterling and sister to Lev, will be called to the Torah at Midbar Kodesh Temple this Shabbat weekend. Tzofiya was born and raised in Las Vegas and is the granddaughter of Midbar Kodesh Temple members Wendy and Alan Roselinsky and Chuck and Penny Sterling of Thousand Oaks, California. Tzofiya attends services on a regular basis, and is often called to the bima to lead the congregation in prayer and song.
Tzofiya is a 7th grader at a local middle school taking classes in Spanish I, Percussion in Band, Reading, Science, Algebra, and History. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 shut down, she has attended classes via Zoom. When school was in session, Tzofiya participated in Science Olympiad, a district wide competition where students practiced tri-weekly in order to compete in science experiments and activities. Tumbling is a favorite, and during the pandemic, she has been taking percussion lessons via Zoom.
During the shutdown, Tzofiya taught herself to sew and began making masks, bags and hats for family and friends. It occurred to her that she has a skill that would translate well to a Mitzvah Project and began making hats for "Hatsgiving", an organization that offers emotional support to cancer patients and patients with other hair loss illnesses during their recovery. Tzofiya designed and produced dozens of bucket hats for distribution to patients and sent them to:
c/o World Class Gymnastics Academy
630 Columbia Street Ext.
Latham, NY 12110
This hands on activity connected Tzofiya to children in need of this type of support. She is proud of each hat she has crafted. Tzofiya said that she had the best time doing it and really enjoyed making the hats and giving tzedakah. She asks that all who have a skill in making knit or sewn hats send a few to Hatsgiving. For more information go to: Hatsgiving.org
Along with her B'nei Mitzvah Class, Tzofiya is a member of the David L. Simon Foundation Jr. Board. Together they have been tasked with the responsibility of selecting a Tikkun Olam project. The foundation will provide a $1000.00 gift to donate to their project(s) of choice. Tzofiya has attended Midbar Kodesh Temple's Religious School since first grade and was a member of Kadima. She is now a USYer and helps lead USY Havdallah on line each Saturday night. Tzofiya has attended Camp Ramah, Ojai each year since she was a 2nd grader, and if the camp reopens this summer, will return to Ojai for the four week session.
Tzofiya said "that studying and learning for my Bat Mitzvah was definitely an experience during the pandemic. Sometimes it was difficult and sometimes it was fun, but I’ve come out of it ready for my bat mitzvah." Family and friends, and all at Midbar Kodesh Temple are ready too!