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Bennett Warnick to be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah at Midbar Kodesh Temple

Bennett Daniel Warnick, son to Allison and Matthew Warnick, will be called to the Torah at Midbar Kodesh Temple in February. He will be joined in celebration by younger sister Sydney and grandparents Marsha Warnick of Morton Grove, IL P.E. Warnick and Nina and Les Boshes from Las Vegas.

Aunts, uncles, cousins, and good friends from throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Hong Kong will also be in attendance..

Bennett is a 7th grader and a member of the National Junior Honor Society. His favorite subjects are Math and Science and he looks forward to a career in Engineering. As part of his community service requirement for NJHS, Bennett volunteers in the Midbar Kodesh Religious School on Tuesdays. He attends Nageela activities and Shabbatons and has attended Camp Moshava in Wild Rose, Wisconsin.

Bennett’s greatest passion is playing video games. He would like to bring this joy to kids in the hospital. Bennett’s Mitzvah Project is to have people donate video games for him to donate to the pediatric wing at the hospital.

The best advice Bennett has received about his Bar Mitzvah presentation is to be "slow and loud." He looks forward to sharing this special weekend with family and friends.

Midbar Kodesh Temple is a diverse community where our members learn with depth, find inspiration for their lives through worship, and join in an inclusive community. Families of all shapes and sizes are welcome. Midbar Kodesh, the “Holy Desert”, was founded by six families in 1995. They set out to create a new synagogue that was inclusive and welcoming.

Today, Midbar Kodesh Temple is over 200 families, focused on improving lives through spirituality in Southern Nevada and around the world. We are so happy you’ve joined us, and we’re excited to spend the future with you and celebrate our many blessings together. On behalf of the clergy, staff, volunteers and the member families that make up the Midbar Kodesh Temple community, we look forward to welcoming you and your family to build a relationship within our walls and beyond.

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