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Supporting Family Promise at Midbar Kodesh Temple

Each spring Midbar Kodesh Temple congregants volunteer to organize meals and activities and stay overnight at the synagogue while the congregation is host to Family Promise.

Many of Family Promise families are temporarily homeless because of a job loss or illness and seek temporary housing and meals while actively trying to find jobs and permanent housing. They have no other family resources to draw upon, but with help from religious congregations, who provide temporary space in their buildings, are able to transition from homelessness to having permanent housing.

Family Promise Las Vegas has a Day Center that offers numerous resources, including job and credit counseling, welfare and legal advocacy,individual and family therapy and other services. The Day Center offers the opportunity for meals, showers, preparation for job interviews and day care for the children.

Family Promise's approach of keeping families together, identifying their strengths, and partnering with the community for solutions means that families are at much lower risk of returning to homelessness. The national organization was started by one woman and her family to help people understand what life in poverty is like. It has grown into a national organization with more than 170,000 volunteers helping more than 50,000 children and their families each year.

For more information on how to help Family Promise at Midbar Kodesh Temple please call the synagogue at 702.454.4848. For more information on how to provide programming and volunteer support for Family Promise Las Vegas go to:

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