From the minute the little ones entered the sanctuary for Tot Shabbat on Friday evening until the last car pulled out of the driveway on Sunday night, the ruach of Rick Recht kept filling our hearts. We're told that for some the music continued well past bath time and right into the night as little ones drifted into slumber, and that is just the way we want it at Midbar Kodesh Temple!
The weekend moved from Tot Shabbat to Friday evening services and on to Saturday morning where the congregation shared Shabbat with our Artist-In-Residence. Then on to a PJ Library Pajama Havdallah service led by Rick, followed by story telling and a campfire with s'mores. The partnering continued with PJ Library as Rick held a teacher enrichment program for Jewish Educators. Then back to Midbar Kodesh Temple for the finale. Is anyone tired yet... Andrew and Marissa, Cantor Gale and Rabbi Tecktiel? From start to finish we are sure that Rick got to sing with almost everyone of our congregants!
We were joined in song by several community Cantors and some of their friends and family over the weekend. And as Ed and I and Ryan and Rina enjoyed watching our own children, we were reminded that when Rick was here last, many of the Early Childhood Center students were not yet born and some of our USYers stood on stage where the Religious School students stood today.
In case you think we will take time to catch our collective breath, think again, because as the week progresses we welcome the JCC's Annual Meeting and Celebration of the Cultural Arts at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, January 25. Then we will look to the 4th of our 52 Fridays, and on Saturday welcome Adam Kartzinel to the bima as a Bar Mitzvah. Sunday afternoon finds our Men's club and guests at the poker table for Texas Hold'em at 1 p.m.
And then it is February! Worldwide Wrap and USY Lox Box on the 5th, Guess Who's Coming to Shabbas? on the 10th and a Club Kehillah Tu B'shevat Garden Party on the 12th.
Tobey Brill and Carly Broth… when are your Bar and Bat Mitzvah? Please say March.
Have a good week. You will know where to find us.
Heather Pack and Ryan Sterling
Midbar Kodesh Temple Co-Presidents