For the third straight year, Midbar Kodesh Temple, the Conservative synagogue in Henderson, hosted a community seder. This year’s seder featured delicious food, by famed chef Gustov Mauler, an interactive Haggadah reading and was attended by over 125 people representing forty families, and other guests, making this the largest seder in the synagogue’s history. In order to keep pricing down the seder was partially underwritten by the David L. Simon Foundation.
“We owe our volunteers so much gratitude because they put this event together,” said Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel. Synagogue members including Elyse Greene, Janet Stein, Melissa Abeles and Fran Goldberg served on the planning committee, in addition to the dozens of members who participated in the reading of the Haggadah and many more who reached out to family and friends to get the word out about the event.
Finding the Afikomen wasn’t easy, but all of the religious school children in attendance received prizes. Some member families have already reserved their spot for next year’s community seder and many more are excited about this summer’s upcoming programming.
Midbar Kodesh Temple is a Conservative synagogue in Henderson, NV. For more information about the synagogue and upcoming programs, visit midbarkodesh.org.