We invite you to join our families from diverse backgrounds. If you are an interfaith family or someone whose life has been touched by an interfaith relationship and would like to learn more about our efforts at Midbar Kodesh Temple, please contact Rabbi Tecktiel at btecktiel@midbarkodesh.org. No one belongs here more than you!
Worship with us
Shabbat and Holiday services are open to members of all faiths and background. We welcome you to join us anytime. There are transliterations and English translations of all prayers in the prayerbook. And our Rabbi or members will be happy to explain the service to you.
Celebrate with us
Let's celebrate milestones together- anniversaries, birthdays, baby namings, b’nai mitzvah and more here. Individuals not of the Jewish faith can participate in these ceremonies in various ways, and Rabbi Tecktiel is happy to discuss those options.
Learn with us
You don't have to be Jewish to learn. You're welcome to join us for classes, family programs and more. We want to help offer a Jewish education to your family, and we would love to introduce you to our Religious School program.
Let us get to know you
You can always speak to our Rabbi Tecktiel at